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#3 Novara - Milano (76 km)

Villas, Expos, Skyscrapers and Reinassance Genius

Novara – Turbigo (20 km)

Leave Novara railway station on your right (km 0), towards North. After a while (km 3) you will cross again the Cavour canal in order to follow it on the right till river Ticino (km 15). In the meantime, you can have a look at the vast paddies all around you and the variety of birds who live in this countryside.

Cross the river, leave Piedmont and enter the nice village of Turbigo in Lombardiawhich is an important cross road for cyclists: the Naviglio Grande canal and Villoresi canal pass there, and you can follow them in order to get into Sesto Calende and lago Maggiore (35 Km North), the vibrant Pavia (83 km South) and peaceful Abbiategrasso (22 Km West).

Actually, we follow Naviglio Grande till Nosate, and then we turn right on Villoresi canal (km 22), which will lead you slowly to Milan and Monza: the canal was built in 1890 in order to guarantee fresh water in the northern planes upper Milan.


Turbigo – Milano (56 km)

You will cross  nice villages like Castano Primo, Arconate, ParabiagoWhen you arrive in Lainateremember to visit the magnificent Villa Litta (Km 48) which is really close to the canal: you will find a refreshing ninfeo with many water games and  pleasant gardens.

Proceed to Garbagnate and cross Villoresi canal (km 54) for the last time: you are now entering the Parco delle Groane, direction South. You will pass in the backyard of Villa Arconati (km 56), a noble palace which hosts summer concerts and a a labyrinth.  You are now approaching the suburbs of Milan, like Arese (home of Alfa Romeo cars) and Rho (km 63) the city which hosted the famous Expo 2015. You will circumnavigate the Area Expo itself, till the very entrance in the city borders of Milan (km 66) , close to the subway M1 stop of Molino Dorino.

You will cross the neighbourhood of Cascina Merlata, Bonola, and Monte Stella (km 71), an artificial hill built with WWII ruins by Piero Bottoni. It is 100 mt high and it is scenery of Giardino dei Giusti commemorative park.

You are now entering the city, close to Tre Torri park and the beautiful fountain of piazzale Giulio Cesare. After the last miles, you will finally reach the Triumphal Arco della Pace (km 76): one of the ancient entry-gates to Milan city center.



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Novara – Milano GPX

A GPX file with all the information you need: miles, elevation, intersections.

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#4 Milano – Brescia

Naviglio Martesana was built in 1460 by Francesco Sforza: it is a magical waterway that leads you out of Milan, till river Adda. Head towards Treviglio and Romano, and discover the amazing paintings of their churches. Cross river Oglio (another beautiful cycleway) and get ready for a pleasant ride across Franciacorta vineyards. Finally, you will arrive in Bresciathe lioness. Don’t miss Santa Giulia neighborhood, with a Longobard Monastery (UNESCO)… and taste a slice of polenta.